- Overview
Griffith University is a public research university in South East Queensland on the east coast of Australia. The university was founded in 1971, but was not officially opened until 1975. Griffith University is credited with introducing Australia’s first degrees in environmental science and Asian studies.
- Contact Information
email: AfricaAdmissions-GI@griffith.edu.au
Phone: + 61 7 373 55080
- Location
Brisbane and the Gold Coast in south-east Queensland , Australia
- Application Deadline
- Required Academic Documents
- Minimum Score
- Academic Programs
- Bachelor of Exercise Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Film and Screen Media Production
- Bachelor of Forensic Science
- Bachelor of Game Design and Production
- Bachelor of Health (Honours) in Public Health
- Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Human Services (Honours)
- Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours)
- Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
- Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management
- Bachelor of Advanced International Tourism and Hotel Management (Honours)
- Bachelor of Languages and Linguistics
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
- Bachelor of Marine Science
- Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours)
- Bachelor of Musical Theatre
- Bachelor of Music (Honours)
- Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
- Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours)
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
- Bachelor of Paramedicine (Honours)
- Bachelor of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Honours)
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)
- Bachelor of Political Science and International Relations
- Bachelor of Advanced Political Science and International Relations (Honours)
- Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
- Bachelor of Public Health
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
- Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)
- Bachelor of Sport Development (Honours)
- Bachelor of Urban Planning (Honours)
- Bachelor of Visual Arts
- Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours)
- Bachelor of Acting
- Bachelor of Animation
- Bachelor of Architectural Design
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
- Bachelor of Aviation Management
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Biomolecular Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Business (Honours)
- Bachelor of Advanced Business (Honours)
- Bachelor of Cinematic Arts (Honours)
- Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Advanced Commerce (Honours)
- Bachelor of Communication
- Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)
- Bachelor of Counselling
- Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Honours)
- Bachelor of Cyber Security
- Bachelor of Dental Health Science
- Bachelor of Dental Health Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Dental Hygiene
- Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics
- Bachelor of Dental Technology (Honours)
- Bachelor of Design (Honours)
- Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
- Bachelor of Environmental Science
- Master of Urban and Environmental Planning
- Master of Visual Arts
- Master of Pharmacy
- Master of Primary Teaching
- Master of Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Master of Architecture
- Master of Aviation Management
- Master of Biotechnology
- Master of Business
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Catchment Science
- Master of Cinematic Arts
- Master of Civil Engineering
- Master of Civil Engineering Advanced
- Master of Clinical Dentistry
- Master of Clinical Psychology
- Master of Clinical Psychology Practice
- Master of Cyber Security
- Master of Data Science
- Master of Dentistry
- Master of Design
- Master of Education
- Master of Engineering Project Management
- Master of Engineering Project Management Advanced
- Master of Professional Accounting
- Master of Professional Engineering
- Master of Environment
- Master of Environmental Engineering
- Master of Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control
- Master of Finance
- Master of Financial Crime Investigation and Compliance
- Master of Financial Technology
- Master of Global Development
- Master of Global Public Health
- Master of Health Services Management
- Master of Advanced Health Services Management
- Master of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations
- Master of Information Systems and Information Technology Management
- Master of Professional Psychology
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Rehabilitation Counselling
- Master of Secondary Teaching
- Master of Social Work
- Master of Speech Pathology
- Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Leadership
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of International Business
- Master of Integrated Water Management
- Master of International Law
- Master of International Law Studies
- Master of International Relations
- Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Master of Marketing
- Master of Materials Science
- Master of Music
- Master of Nursing Science
- Doctor of Clinical Dentistry
- Doctor of Medicine
- Fees and Scholarship
- Location