- Overview
The University of Southern Queensland is a public research university based in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, the sixth largest city in the Australian state of Queensland Founded in 1967 after a successful campaign by the local Darling Downs community, the university is a founding member of the Regional Universities Network.
- Contact Information
- Location
Toowoomba, Australia
- Application Deadline
- Required Academic Documents
- Minimum Score
- Academic Programs
- Bachelor of Agricultural Technology and Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Environment & Sustainability)
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Agricultural Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Climate Science)
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Ecology & Conservation)
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Water Science)
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Wildlife & Pest Management)
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Environment & Sustainability)
- Bachelor of Science (Food Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science (Plant Agricultural Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Wildlife Management)
- Bachelor of Accounting
- Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Business (Business Accounting)
- Bachelor of Business (Emergent Leadership)
- Bachelor of Business (Finance)
- Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
- Bachelor of Business (Information Systems Management)
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Professional Communication & Advertising)
- Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Artificial Intelligence & Data Science (Extended))
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Business (Information Systems Management)
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Software Application Development)
- Bachelor of Digital Design
- Bachelor of Digital Design (Game Design)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Information Technology (Artificial Intelligence & Data Science)
- Bachelor of Information Technology (Networking & Cyber Security)
- Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Application Development)
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science (Computing)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science (Information Technology)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
- Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Medicine Pathway)
- Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Honours)
- Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
- Bachelor of Paramedicine
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science (Human Physiology)
- Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Construction (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science (Geospatial Science)
- Bachelor of Surveying (Honours)
- Bachelor of Surveying Technology
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology (Extended))
- Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Artificial Intelligence & Data Science (Extended))
- Bachelor of Arts (Counselling Practice)
- Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)
- Bachelor of Arts (Drama)
- Bachelor of Arts (English Literature)
- Bachelor of Arts (Environment & Sustainability)
- Bachelor of Arts (First Nations Australia)
- Bachelor of Arts (History)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Anthropology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Creative & Critical Writing)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (English Literature)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (History)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (International Relations)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Social Justice Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (International Relations)
- Bachelor of Arts (Music)
- Bachelor of Arts (Photojournalism)
- Bachelor of Arts (Physiology & Human Movement)
- Bachelor of Arts (Politics)
- Bachelor of Arts (Social Justice & Enterprise)
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Creative Writing)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Drama)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (English Literature)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (International Relations)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Music)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Social Justice & Enterprise)
- Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies
- Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies (First Nations Australia)
- Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies (Liberal Studies)
- Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies (Management & Commerce Studies)
- Bachelor of Early Childhood
- Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)
- Bachelor of Education (Primary)
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
- Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies
- Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Arts (Criminology & Criminal Justice (Extended))
- Bachelor of Arts (Criminology & Criminal Justice)
- Bachelor of Arts (Legal Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Arts (Counselling Practice)
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) (Psychology (Extended))
- Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Science (Psychology Extended)
- Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Drama)
- Bachelor of Arts (Music)
- Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts Curation)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Drama)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Museums & Curatorship)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Music)
- Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours)
- Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing
- Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing (Music)
- Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing (Theatre)
- Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing (Visual Art)
- Bachelor of Music
- Bachelor of Music (Music Practice)
- Bachelor of Music (Musical Communication)
- Bachelor of Theatre
- Bachelor of Theatre (Acting)
- Bachelor of Theatre (Theatre Making)
- Bachelor of Visual Art
- Bachelor of Visual Art (Curation, Innovation & Visual Art)
- Bachelor of Visual Art (Visual Art Studio Practice)
- Bachelor of Aviation
- Bachelor of Aviation (Aviation Management)
- Bachelor of Aviation (Flight Operations)
- Bachelor of Agricultural Technology and Management
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Agricultural Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic & Robotic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Power Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Contemporary Media Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Journalism Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Photojournalism)
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Creative Writing)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Digital Media)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Documentary Production)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Drama)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (English Literature)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (International Relations)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Journalism)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Museums & Curatorship)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Music)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Professional Communication & Advertising)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Professional Photography)
- Bachelor of Communication and Creative Industries (Software Application Development)
- Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours)
- Bachelor of Digital Design
- Bachelor of Digital Design (Animation)
- Bachelor of Digital Design (Game Design)
- Bachelor of Digital Design (Graphic Design)
- Bachelor of Digital Design (Interaction Design)
- Bachelor of Film and Screen Production
- Bachelor of Film and Screen Production (Film Production)
- Bachelor of Film and Screen Production (Screen Production)
- Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Application Development)
- Bachelor of Agricultural Technology and Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Environment & Sustainability)
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
- Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Medicine Pathway)
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Climate Science)
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Ecology & Conservation)
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Water Science)
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Wildlife & Pest Management)
- Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
- Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Biology)
- Bachelor of Science (Environment & Sustainability)
- Bachelor of Science (Food Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Geospatial Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science (Human Physiology)
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematics & Statistics (Extended))
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematics & Statistics)
- Bachelor of Science (Plant Agricultural Science)
- Master of Engineering Practice
- Master of Professional Engineering
- Master of Professional Engineering (Agricultural Engineering)
- Master of Science
- Master of Science (Agricultural Science)
- Master of Business
- Master of Business (Digital Marketing)
- Master of Business (Finance)
- Master of Business (Human Resource Leadership)
- Master of Business (Information Management Systems)
- Master of Business (Leadership)
- Master of Business (Managing Cyber Risk)
- Master of Business (Organisational Project Management)
- Master of Business (Information Management Systems)
- Master of Business (Managing Cyber Risk)
- Master of Cyber Security
- Master of Cyber Security (Cyber Security Management)
- Master of Cyber Security (Technical)
- Master of Data Science
- Master of Data Science (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
- Master of Data Science (Data Analytics)
- Master of Information Systems
- Master of Information Systems (Business Analytics)
- Master of Information Systems (Digital Innovation)
- Master of Information Systems (Managing Cyber Risk)
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of Information Technolog (Computing Technology)
- Master of Information Technology (Network Engineering)
- Master of Information Technology (Software Development)
- Master of Construction Management
- Master of Professional Psychology
- Master of Clinical Psychology
- Master of Professional Engineering
- Master of Professional Engineering (Agricultural Engineering)
- Master of Professional Engineering (Civil Engineering)
- Master of Professional Engineering (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
- Master of Professional Engineering (Engineering Management & Enterprise)
- Master of Professional Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
- Master of Professional Engineering (Mechatronic & Robotic Engineering)
- Master of Professional Engineering (Structural Engineering)
- Master of Business (Digital Marketing)
- Master of Science
- Master of Science (Agricultural Science)
- Master of Science (Mathematics & Statistics)
- Fees and Scholarship
- Location