- Overview
The University of Tasmania is a public research university, primarily located in Tasmania, Australia. Founded in 1890, it is Australia’s fourth oldest university.
- Contact Information
- Location
Hobart, Australia
- Application Deadline
- Required Academic Documents
- Minimum Score
- Academic Programs
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Global Logistics and Maritime Management
- Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Media and Communication
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Biomedicine
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Dementia Care
- Bachelor of Design
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Education (Primary)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Bachelor of Geospatial Science
- Bachelor of Global Logistics and Maritime Management
- Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science
- Bachelor of Media and Communication
- Bachelor of Music
- Bachelor of Natural Environments and Conservation
- Bachelor of Nutrition Science
- Bachelor of Outdoor and Environmental Education
- Bachelor of Psychological Science
- Bachelor of Science
- Master of Teaching
- Master of Laboratory Medicine
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Arts and Master of Teaching
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Psychological Science and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) with Honours in Engineering
- Master of Agriculture and Food Sciences (Specialisation)
- Master of Business Administration (Global)
- Master of Chemistry
- Master of Economic Geology
- Master of Environmental Geospatial Science
- Master of Information Technology and Systems
- Master of Marine and Antarctic Science
- Master of Pharmaceutical Science
- Master of Planning
- Master of Professional Accounting
- Master of Professional Engineering (Specialisation)
- Master of Professional Psychology
- Master of Protected Area Conservation
- Master of Psychology (Clinical)
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
- Master of Strategic Communication
- Master of Teaching
- Master of Architecture
- Master of Business Administration in Maritime Management
- Master of Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Master of Maritime Engineering (Advanced)
- Master of Maritime Engineering (Professional)
- Master of Occupational Therapy
- Master of Physiotherapy
- Master of Professional Psychology
- Master of Psychology (Clinical)
- Master of Speech Pathology
- Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
- Fees and Scholarship
- Location